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Airline Employees Open Cargo Hold And See Someone Unexpected Waiting Inside

John Krajewski was traveling cross-country with his dog, Sputnik, and was hoping for the best. He gave her a doggy-safe sedative and crossed his fingers that she would sleep through most of the six-hour flight in the cargo hold. As he relaxed in his seat on the plane, he had no idea what was actually going on right below his feet.

When the plane landed and the airline employees opened the cargo door, they were in for a huge surprise. Instead of being safely secured in her crate, Sputnik was waiting for them at the door.


“The crew said they opened the door and she was just standing there like she’s waiting for the red carpet,” Krajewski wrote on TikTok.

Despite the sedatives she was on, Sputnik stayed awake during the flight and chewed through the metal lock and zip ties on her crate. She then let herself out and explored the cargo hold. No one knows how long she was parading around in there for — or how she even managed to escape in the first place.


“She acts like nothing happened and is totally fine,” Krajewski said.

Krajewski is just grateful that Sputnik is OK. Sputnik, on the other hand, is clearly requesting that she be flown in first class next time.