From the moment he entered this world,
Dylan was faced with a unique and challenging condition known as Congenital Melanocytic Nevus. Kara, his mother, was shocked when she saw her baby boy. About 80% of his body was covered in birthmarks, and he had melanin deposits in his brain, which caused seizures when he was four months old.

The condition meant that Dylan had a high risk of contracting skin cancer, so he had to undergo surgeries frequently. The mole on his back was so big that doctors wanted to remove it, which required skin transplants from other parts of Dylan’s body. To produce enough skin for transplants, doctors inserted implants similar to breast implants into the boy’s body. He carried the implants for three months and accumulated more skin as a result. After 26 surgeries, around half of the gigantic mole on Dylan’s back had been removed.

Despite all the surgeries and recovery time, Dylan remains a happy little boy. He has a positive outlook on life and enjoys playing baseball, fishing, and spending time with his family and friends. He still has some moles left, which requires constant monitoring to make sure they don’t change negatively.
Strangers often stop and stare when Dylan is out in public. Dylan is fully aware that he stands out from other children in terms of appearance. When that happens, he explains to them why he looks the way he does. Generally, people are friendly towards him, but there are times when others have been really mean.

Kara created a Facebook page for people who want to follow Dylan’s journey to recovery. She shares updates from their everyday life and is working hard to create more awareness about Dylan’s condition. Dylan’s parents are not afraid to take him out, and they don’t want him to be worried or ashamed. Kara said that they don’t know what the future holds for Dylan. He could have days, weeks, years, or decades. That’s why they are doing everything they can to keep him with them.

Today, Dylan is nine years old, healthier than ever, and living his life to the fullest. He still requires monitoring and hospitalization from time to time, but all of the surgeries have gone according to plan. Dylan is a warrior who has recovered well every time. Dylan’s story is one of bravery, resilience, and determination. He inspires people with his positive outlook on life and his never-give-up attitude.