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A Helping Hand for the Homeless


It can be very disastrous to not have a roof over your head and to have to endure the sweltering summer heat and the bitter winter cold. Regretfully, there are an alarmingly large number of homeless persons in the United States. Their circumstances have many different causes, but one thing is for sure: they did not select this way of life and they face unfathomable hardships.

Bobby is one such person. He is a homeless man who is living on the streets of New York, reflecting on his life decisions and having trouble finding a place to stay. Bobby had to deal with the terrible realities of homelessness every single day. He had no idea, though, that a fortuitous meeting would make his day.

As Bobby strolled up and down the streets, Officer Aaron Page decided to start a discussion. Bobby said that he wanted to get a job, but that his appearance and lack of appropriate clothes were holding him back. Officer Page decided to change things on his own.

Officer Page trimmed off Bobby’s beard, gave him a new haircut, and gave him a hot shower with a few department colleagues’ assistance. And to top it all off, Bobby received a wardrobe selection to dress professionally while looking for work.



The change of Bobby startled a lot of people. It was impossible to disguise his overwhelming thankfulness and happiness. This touching deed of generosity serves as a reminder that there are still decent people like Officer Page in the world, improving it for everyone.




Regarding Bobby, we send him our best wishes and well wishes as he starts a new chapter in his life. I hope he finds work and starts over in his life.

Please tell your relatives and friends about this motivational story on Facebook. Let’s share kindness and hope with everyone we meet.