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Actress Dies From Complications Of Botched Butt Lift

Tragedy struck the entertainment world as Argentine actress Silvina Luna, aged 43, passed away on Thursday due to complications stemming from a botched buttocks lift surgery performed back in 2011. Luna’s death was confirmed by her lawyer, Fernando Burlando, who expressed his deep sorrow and emphasized the need for authorities to take action to prevent further tragedies of this nature.


Luna’s battle with health complications spanned over a decade, originating from the ill-fated cosmetic procedure that took place around June or July of 2021. The surgery, conducted by cosmetic surgeon Aníbal Lotocki, involved the injection of polymethylmethacrylate, a substance banned by Argentina’s National Administration of Drugs, Food and Medical Technology. This transparent and rigid plastic is commonly used as a glass substitute in various products such as vehicle parts, lenses, panels, and windows.

The consequences of this misguided procedure reverberated through Luna’s life, leading to a series of health challenges. In 2015, she experienced kidney stones, which ultimately led to a diagnosis of renal insufficiency and hypercalcemia. Luna’s condition deteriorated, necessitating weekly dialysis treatments as she awaited a kidney transplant.

In a desperate attempt to address the complications caused by the initial surgery, Luna sought treatment from Dr. Cristian Pérez in Miami in 2016. The Argentine surgeon successfully removed the harmful substance from her buttocks. However, the damage had already been done, and Luna had developed an autoimmune disease as a result of the medications and surgeries. Pérez, in an interview with C5N television, explained that severe kidney failure often led to fatal outcomes in cases like Luna’s.

Over the years, Luna’s health battles persisted. Hospitalized since June 13th, 2023, her condition worsened when doctors detected a bacterial infection. Despite her prolonged fight, Luna’s brother, Ezequiel Luna, made the heart-wrenching decision to disconnect her from a ventilator on Thursday, effectively bringing her battle to an end.

The tragic saga of Luna’s ordeal sheds light on the dangers of cosmetic surgeries performed by unqualified professionals and the dire consequences they can have on individuals’ lives. Luna’s story parallels that of Mariano Caprarola, a TV host and fashion expert who also lost his life due to kidney failure resulting from a buttocks surgery conducted by Aníbal Lotocki.

Lotocki’s history is marred by multiple malpractice lawsuits, including one brought forth by Luna and three other women. In February 2022, he was sentenced to four years in prison, and a court subsequently banned him from practicing medicine for five years. Despite these penalties, Lotocki remained free while awaiting a review of the punishment by the National Chamber of Criminal Appeals.
In the wake of Luna’s passing, the Buenos Aires Attorney General’s Office initiated an investigation into the circumstances surrounding her death. Her body was taken to a city morgue for autopsy, seeking to shed light on the exact causes and contributing factors to her tragic demise.

Silvina Luna’s untimely death serves as a sobering reminder of the risks associated with cosmetic surgeries and the importance of stringent regulations in the medical field. Her story not only highlights the need for individuals to carefully consider the potential consequences of elective procedures but also underscores the urgency for authorities to address the dangers posed by unscrupulous practitioners. As her lawyer Fernando Burlando eloquently stated, may Luna’s battle inspire a wake-up call for society to take notice and ensure that such tragic incidents do not recur.